
7 8 Converted To Decimal

vii/eight every bit a decimal is 0.875

Desire to practice?

In the fraction seven/8 , the number 7 is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction

In the fraction 7/8 , the number 8 is

  • Numerator
  • Denominator
  • Decimal
  • Fraction

What is the equivalent fraction to vii/8?

  • 7/sixteen
  • 14/xvi
  • 14/24
  • 7/24

What is the equivalent fraction to vii/viii?

  • 21/24
  • 7/16
  • 7/24
  • fourteen/24


Piece of work out the fraction  $$\frac78$$  using the following methods to write information technology as a decimal.

  • a) With Long Division
  • b) Without Long Partition

With Long Sectionalization

The long division method is very simple. All the fractions tin exist written as a division expression.


The numerator is divided by the denominator to get the decimal value of a fraction. Hither 7 is the numerator and eight is the denominator.

To make seven divisible by 8, add 0 to vii to brand information technology seventy. Call back to place a decimal betoken in the caliber when this is done.


Equally nosotros get the rest 0 in the third step, we cannot divide further.

The respond is 0.875.

Boost your score What is 7/8 as a decimal img

Without long division

The dominion to directly catechumen a fraction to a decimal is

  • The denominator should be a number with ane followed by one or more zeros. Or the denominator should be a number that can be multiplied past a suitable number to make it 10, 100, 1000 etc.
  • The number of zeros in the denominator is the number of digits the decimal point has to be shifted to the left in the numerator.

Hither nosotros have 8 in the denominator, to which 125 can be multiplied to get 1000. The aforementioned value should be multiplied by the numerator also equally given below.


Call up

Here are some common terms you should exist familiar with.

  • In the fraction$$ \frac{7}{eight}$$, the number vii is the dividend ( our numerator )
  • The number eight is our divisor ( our denominator) .

Find More Fractions to Decimals

As well, in our blog, y'all can know about what is five /6 every bit a decimal.

7 8 Converted To Decimal,


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