
How To Lighten Up A Dark Kitchen With Accessories

A dark and dreary kitchen is one of the most painful things that I have experienced. I'd been struggling for several years to find out how to fix this. My home looks so much better now.

I withal remember the day when my family decided to move into this business firm. The kitchen literally disappointed me so much. Fifty-fifty with creamy white cabinets and light tiles, the whole kitchen was just giving a horror film vibe. Information technology was terrible!

I, of course, made the mistake of picking the wrong light fixtures. As well, a bit guilty of not picking the granite color choice.

Notwithstanding, I fabricated some changes and gladly it's totally dissimilar now.

6 Witty Tricks on How to Lighten Up A Dark Kitchen!


  • i Ideas & Changes That will Lighten Your Nighttime Kitchen!
    • ane.i Bright Accents Are the Way to Go!
    • one.ii Recessed & Pendant Lighting Deco!
    • 1.3 A New Kitchen Countertop!
    • 1.4 New or Painted Cabinetry
    • 1.5 Dark Corners Are Secret Criminals!
    • i.6 Play with Colors
  • 2 Verdict

Ideas & Changes That will Lighten Your Dark Kitchen!

Let me share how y'all can brand yours one brighter. My half-dozen hot-shot tips are right below, brand sure to read till the end, y'all'll love information technology!

Bright Accents Are the Mode to Go!

This is probably the most affordable solution that I tried at the very beginning. The results were of course, amazing! I just added some vivid accents to fix the dark go-upwards. You can do and then by including a pop of colors.

For case, a squeamish xanthous flower jar or vivid wall hanging will surely glam up and bring light. These should be clutter-costless for sure. Just a bit of cardinal accent and the whole space will but experience super fresh.

Gold silvery, copper, and statuary are the colors that are good to touch for walls. Yous may want to attempt similar shades for tiles and appliances besides. This will give a reflective surface and bounce light into space.

Recessed & Pendant Lighting Deco!

Lighting is another huge impact creating stuff that nosotros take besides casually. If the area feels tight, become some recessed lighting for it.

Underneath the overhanging cabinets, yous tin simply install lights and give the quickest heave of mood. Become a multi-use ladder and climb to those ceiling for some recessed comeback.

Putting recessed lighting on the ceiling is a keen idea. Y'all may want to try Halogen light bulbs. These volition bring a huge amount of lite into the dark infinite.

However, CFL lights are more favorable for giving a more natural vibe. You lot can likewise bring fixtures down off the ceiling. But adding some pendant lights on the ceiling is another fabled thought.

An upcycled chandelier is also a great décor thought. This will not only bring lite closer to your workplace but give an amazing scheme too. Not to mention, your nutrient prep-upward space will look and feel even more comfortable.

A New Kitchen Countertop!

A worn out and ho-hum looking countertop will take abroad all the glow. So, consider going to a new 1. Perchance something that comes with light-colored granite. Or endeavor the brilliant laminate. Marbles are also a fascinating option.

Yes, surely some kitchen looks marvelous with dark rock countertops. However light lacking kitchen can never be on that list. Off-white, calorie-free gray, or tan finish is the way to become for such kitchens.

I know some of y'all may consider white equally too plain. Just, trust me, this lighter shade can really burnish upwards a dark kitchen similar nothing else. Don't be scared to go for too light. With key accents, a plain-white countertop can look really lively.

New or Painted Cabinetry

A complete kitchen remodeling option must include light and bright cabinets. Become for oak cabinets that come with white or light woody shades. Avoid mahogany here.

Don't want to spend on a new one? No problem, but go for repainting it. Another way is to buy new doors and drawers keeping the box unchanged. This will besides save you money while giving a ameliorate look.

Dark Corners Are Secret Criminals!

Practice you lot know, in that location are many out of accomplish corners, empty and awkward spaces that are sometimes the reason behind a dull looking kitchen.

The cleverest lighting pull a fast one on is to brighten upwards those areas. You can fill those cabinet spaces with false accessories for the kitchen. Place some light fixtures into it and see how the await dramatically changes.

Play with Colors

Get the fastest update if you are living with paneling, wallpaper or paints that look dark. Get rid of those wallpaper! Let the paneling go away! Prime pigment on the wall!

Possibly the biggest impact volition come from color white. Withal sunny shades such as option or aquamarine and of course, yellow are proficient options likewise. Hither are some theme suggestions.

Whitely -Brightly

Y'all are a fan of vintage themes or cape cod and country? Then become a fresh, airy oak with brilliant accent white color. Begin with lite forest cabinets and flossy white walls. If yous want to keep a stark expect away, become for mid-tone wood or tile.

A cheerful vivid shade should be the emphasis. The vintage-style kitchen looks all-time in red. While blue volition bring the traditions into for a Cane cod style.

Grass green and tangerine are some other flawless choices for this idea. Keep bright tones in heed when choosing chair cushions, mats, dishtowels, and decorative accents. You volition not believe the touch on of brilliant blender, toast or teapot, just try information technology!

Power of Pastels

Do you consider pastel shades for simply kid's room? Surprisingly they fit in the kitchen as well. A bit of oomph included pastels are the way to for. Don't opt for palest shades, notwithstanding. Effort pastel blueish, green, peach, or pink.

These shades are on a cheerful side and requite enough brightening in that space. Too, the kitchen feels open and blusterous.

Using such shades are best for walls and accessories. You can keep some touch on with white painted trim. Brighter shade dishtowel and other stuff volition complete the look.

Ravishing Rainbow Scheme

At that place are people like me who love bright things. If you are one of them, choose the rainbow theme color for lighting your kitchen. A light-to-medium hue with pure color volition requite a corking look. Attempt contrasting with light forest or white cabinets. Dark flooring will look better in this concept.

Artwork, pottery, and dishes of a different colour tin can really shine brightly from a wall-mounted shelf. Kitchen accessories such as a pocket-size carpet, stride mats, dishtowel, and chair cushions should be colorful with bold patterns.

However, if things look too overwhelming, balance information technology up with a warmer palette such as red, yellow, or brilliant orange. Bright regal, blue, and green tin create a actually beautiful combination also.

Neutral but Dynamic

Gone are the days when neutral shades were considered boring. Today, they are similar a sun in a dark kitchen. Buttery yellow washed walls go wonderful for such a concept. Or maybe a tan sandy shade can be a perfect movement.

Become a relaxing and welcoming aura with soft brown. Straw or palest terra can exist an ideal lighter shade likewise. The yellow or orangish neutral base of operations will accept a meliorate bear on on the night kitchen. Warm cream-like shades volition requite an open space illusion.

Medium-tome cabinets with a painting of the same darker hue wall shade will do the job. Natural wood is a smashing way too. Laminate, tile, vinyl, or medium chocolate-brown wood shade flooring will look even in such a concept. Go for slightly darker than a wall or cabinet color for accessories.


Once yous are done implementing these ideas, see how much alter it brings. But relish the bright and cheerful look that was once dark and pale. Hopefully, my ideas will inspire you plenty for the few little changes in your kitchen.

Hasta la vista!


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